Managed IT Security
Increase the overall security of your network by letting us take care of your organization's privacy and data protection needs.
Security Monitoring
Keep a steady eye on everything that goes on within your network so that threat agents and vulnerabilities are kept in check.
Cloud Security
Decrease your operational cost and at the same time increase the overall resiliense of your network.

Committed to data and privacy


Our commitment is based on four privacy values that provide the foundation for responsible engagement, interactions and use of information:

  • respect for privacy expectations,
  • building and preserving trust,
  • preventing privacy harms, and
  • compliance with the letter and spirit of privacy and data protection laws around the world.

Our privacy directive is built on a platform of organizational accountability for privacy, stewardship of the data we use to operate our business, consistent global privacy practices and standards that carry on our tradition of upholding high ethical standards across our business practices, and ongoing oversight to ensure that we continue to respond to changes in privacy expectations as technology and our business continue to evolve. For more information about our program, please see the global privacy program section of our corporate responsibility report.



Contact Us


Rua Comandante Rubens Silva, 292 - sala 208

Freguesia - Rio de Janeiro/RJ - CEP: 20745-282


Phone: +55 (021) 98954-4103